Hundreds of students arrested in US over pro-palestine protest


Hundreds of students arrested in US over pro-palestine protest

More than 900 students have been arrested across universities in the United States, during pro-Palestinian demonstration. They are demanding immediate ceasefire in Gaza and divestment from companies linked to Israel.

A lots of pro-Palestinian encampment were seen at the University of California at Los Angeles, Northwestern university, Washington University,  Columbia University, Yale University,  Vanderbilt University and the University of Minnesota. A few universities have had to cancel graduation ceremonies, while others have seen their buildings occupied by the protesters.

Students facing huge price

 About a week ago protest started at Columbia University in New York,  where more than 100 pro-Palestinian activists were arrested.

 At Washington University in St Louis, at least 80 people were arrested, including US presidential candidate Jill Stein and her campaign manager.

At the Northeastern University campus "Kill the Jews" like slogan were chanted.
The Northeastern University said its move came after “what began as a student demonstration two days ago was infiltrated by professional organizers with no affiliation to Northeastern”. It added that detained individuals who produced a valid student ID were released and will face disciplinary proceedings, not legal action. They further said "Last night, the use of anti-Semitic slurs, including "Kill the Jews", crossed the line. We cannot tolerate this kind of hate on our campus."

the Indiana University Police also arrested 23 people as they cleared a campus protest camp, the Indiana Daily Student newspaper reported.

On the opposite side of the country, the Arizona State University Police Department arrested 69 people for trespassing after the group set up an “unauthorized encampment” on campus.

Students are taking some big risks at these protests. If they violate university rules, they can be expelled. And here at Princeton, tuition is over $50,000 a year, he said, For many of them, it’s an education they have been looking forward to all their lives.

Pro-Palestine Protest go at Global

Meanwhile, Pro Palestine college protests  have also spread to universities in Canada, Europe and Australia. Canada’s first campus protest camp for Gaza appeared at McGill University in Montreal on Saturday. Some Tents were also set up on the front lawn of the University of Sydney last week.
