
 At ZNX News, we're dedicated to delivering timely, accurate, and insightful important news coverage to our readers around the globe. Our mission is to empower individuals with the information they need to stay informed, make informed decisions, and engage with the world around them.

This site is managed by myself HEMANT KUMAR. Founded in 2023, ZNX News has quickly become a trusted source of news and information. Our journey began with a simple idea: to create a platform where people can access high-quality news that informs, inspires, and connects. Over the years, we've grown and evolved, but our commitment to excellence and integrity remains unchanged.

We love hearing from our readers! Whether you have a news tip, feedback on our coverage, or just want to say hello, we're always here to listen. You can reach out to us via email, social media, or through our website.

Thank you for choosing ZNX News as your source for news and information. We're honored to have you with us on this journey.